Monday, October 31, 2016

New swags!!!!!

Look how this boy sag his trousers!!!

Look at what this lady wore to church that got Facebook user's mad

Facebook user, Olufunke Philips got eyes rolling as she went to church with this cleavage-revealing outfit, a jean trouser and an exposed hair.

Apparently, she isn't bothered about what anyone thinks. Read what she posted below and messages from her inbox...

"I went to one church today. No prizes for guessing which church. Ok. Maybe a small prize.
Those people focus way too much time on their enemies fa. Die! Die!! Die!!! Haters everywhere. Enemies. Fire burn dem all. Burn dem to a crisp mehn. Jah burn dem all like a bonfire.
If you spend three-quarters of the time for service casting and banishing your haters to the pit of hell, there is a problem.
Apparently, I commited two offences. I didn't cover my hair and I wore jean pants. Nobody told me to get out but the disapproving looks were not lost on me. So I winked at everyone that I caught looking at me 'one kain' and chuckled when they shuffled their feet uncomfortably. I even licked my lips at one woman that was frowning at me because of my jeans. Her eyes were as wide as saucers.
I love watching people in churches. Keep inviting me folks. I love it.
Let's drink beer biko. We deserve it. Running after enemies upandan early in the morning sure gets you tired. Stay hydrated people. Kizziss. 😙"

Sex Robots to hit the market next year for just £12,000

Sex robots with fully functioning genitalia are set to hit the market next year and will cost up to £12,000. The next generation of dolls are likely to be hyper realistic with features never seen before.

They will have built-in heaters which so they have genuine body warmth and sensors that can react to touch. Founder Matt McMullen said: 

“I want to have people actually develop an emotional attachment to not only the robot but the actual character behind it to develop some kind of love for this being."

Levy, author of Love And Sex With Robots, said:

“I’ve no doubt some will find it creepy, but the arrival of sexually responsive robots will have enormous consequences. 

We have already seen rapid changes in human relationships thanks to the internet, mobile devices and social media. 

The next major advance will enable us to use our technology to have intimate encounters with the technology itself to fall in love with the technology,to have sex with robots and to marry them."

Nigerian lesbian "Lawrence Amwh" speaks out

Controversial, Lawrencia Ameh, a Nigerian lesbian has spoken about some of the issues affecting the lives of Lesbian women in Nigeria, including her journey and experiences as lesbian living in Nigeria. Speaking in an exclusive interview with Kayode Gomez on his blog, she narrated how she was taken for deliverance in a church and almost took her own life.

Read excerpts of the interview after the cut

Can we meet you?

My name is Lawrencia Ameh but I like to be called lolo. I am an openly out lesbian. I am a human rights defender and a paralegal.

Tell us about your background – growing up

I grew up in a military home with a very religious mother and an army general as a father. I am the first of 4kids. I also had a very reserved childhood. I have lived in Abuja all my life, I was born in Abuja. I was involved in a lot of sports as a child especially basketball. I have 2 younger sisters and a younger brother.

So you mentioned being an openly out Lesbian. When and how did you discovered/identified yourself?

Well, as a child I always knew I was different, but I couldn’t explain it. I came to terms with my Sexuality during my first  degree in Law at University of Abuja. It came with a lot of personal struggles, but in 2007 I was able to deal with it. I was outted to my family by my brother. My family always suspected I was gay because in secondary school I was suspended a lot for being a lesbian with no evidence of course…. Lol! It was because I had always been a tomboy,  so a lot of people just assume. It was a crazy experience but I got through it.

So do you have any affection/attraction for the opposite Sex?
No I don’t. I did try to experiment but I ended up freaking out. Lol! It’s not my thing.

So how did your family take your coming out and how has it been so far with your family and friends?
Hmmm! It was and still not a good experience.

Can you share some of your challenging experiences?
My relationship with my mum is nonexistent right now, It’s been one hell of a ride, I was taken to church for deliverance. I had to move out of my house, I was beaten by my mum. I lost a lot of privileges from my Family. My dad is the love of my life, so his always going to be in myself, he loves me just the way I am. My mum went to my work place to threatening my Boss, She threaten my friends as well. I was locked in a church for almost 8 days; I was told I had an evil spirit inside me. I was also told I have been delivered of the spirit of lesbianism. I was a lot of drama, I got to a point I almost took my own life. Thank God a friend of mine found me.

You mentioned your Dad is the love of your life and going to be in yourself. Can you break it down?

He has always been very supportive of everything I do; He encourages me a lot to be someone great, He always say am his pride and joy “Blushes”. He always says I shouldn’t let anyone treat me differently because am a woman. He lives here in Abuja. Oh! He is the best father ever. His been a hands on dad, 100%, He is my support system.

How has it been living in an unfriendly environment, in the midst of family, friends and society that doesn’t respect/accept your Sexual Orientation and Identity?

It’s been crazy you know? You walk on the street and people call you Names, ask if you have a Dick, if you are into sports or music. You have people ask you why you prefer women to men. Some men will say if they have sex with you; you will forget about women. You have some calling you an abomination. Some friends don’t want to hangout with you because they can’t be seen with you. Family force you to get married or you will be disowned. It’s been so much to deal with. I got to a point I almost took my own life.

But have you ever faced harassment or assault as a result of Anti – LGBT laws (Religious/Federal)?
No, not really, I haven’t, I was harassed by a law enforcement agent once, but as soon as he found out who I was he let me go, you know how things work in Nigeria. In the aspect of religion I am not religious, so not really, I have only faced harassment from family and friends.

Does it mean that its individuals that are not influential that face harassment from law enforcement agency as regards Anti LGBT laws?

No oh… of course not, it happened just once; Only God knows what will happen the next time. But have I faced law enforcement harassment as regards to the anti gay law? Personally no. I have managed to stay out of harm’s way. I know where to be and where not to be.

So what exactly has motivated you to speak out as a Lesbian?
Like I said before; as a child I knew I was different, I struggled with it a lot, I was humiliated a lot by my very close family members and friends, I went into depression and almost took my own life, I was called a demon, I was told by family members that I was the cause of all the problems in my Family.

When I was in SS2, I was locked in the church for 8days because they were trying to cleanse me of lesbianism. I was beaten by my mum, I was isolated. Depression is common in the lesbian community. A very good friend of mine took her own life because of the struggle of her Sexuality. “My motivation to speak out as a lesbian comes from the pain I felt as a human being”, from losing my friend, from trying to make people understand I was born this way. My motivation comes from trying to tell other lesbians going through what I have gone through that they are not alone and they are not abnormal.

Does your being a Lesbian have anything to do with becoming a Human Rights Defender and a Paralegal?

No not really, I have always had passion for Law, I always wanted to be a lawyer but it surely did contribute to it.

ICE PRINCE - celebrates his 30th birthday(Photos)

Swagbag,rapper Ice Prince zamani turned 30 yesterday, October 30th, and had a star-studded party at Escape in Lagos yesterday.

More after the cut...

Blac chyna and her son dress like her husband

Blac Chyna and her son King Cairo both dressed up as the reality star for the spooky holiday on Monday, putting on their best "Rob" attire and even going as far as acting like him.

Chyna took to Snapchat to share her take on her fiancé, wearing a black oversized t-shirt with black sweats and a Los Angeles Dodgers hat, topping the look off with a fake beard and all.

The model also posted a video, pretending to play Rob beside her friend who was dressed up like her. They faked being bombarded by paparazzi as Chyna impersonated Rob protecting her.

"I'm Rob Kardashian! Leave our family alone!" she yelled, as the person taking the video continued after her.

But she wasn't the only one who decided to dress up as her soon-to-be hubby, her son, King, wanted to as well.

Chyna took to Instagram to share a video while making her son's costume. Originally, the 4-year-old was supposed to dress up as a Ferrari man, but he changed his mind.

"King, are you sure you do not want to be the Ferrari man?" she asked, as he responded. "No!"

Chyna continued, "What do you want to be?" to which he answered, "Rob!"

Of course, Chyna couldn't help but ask her son, "Why do you want to be Rob?" He adorably explained, "Because I like him! And I like his shoes!"

The outfit came together quite easily for the mama, who dressed her son in head-to-toe black with tattoo sleeves, an L.A. Dodgers hat and fake Gucci sandals.

watch video below...

Saturday, October 29, 2016

A woman had her period on the street (photos)

YouTube just recorded a video released as it' claims to be a 'social experiment' of a woman experiencing a 'period explosion' in public. In the video, A lady,  Amina Maz can be pictured nearby Oxford Circus tube station in London with a large spattering of blood on the floor beneath her, as well as all over her legs, feet and shoes. See video after the cut.....

A woman arguing with her son to vote for Hillary Clinton

They say she is a Nigerian woman. after the cut...

Do you think this is "Hillary Clinton"

Katy Perry went political in her choice of costume, going as her preferred US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, for Kate Hudson's Halloween bash.

The 32-year-old Firework singer underwent a dramatic transformation and even donned prosthetics to transform into a very convincing version of her idol. Accompanying her was Orlando Bloom dressed as Bill Clinton.


Who ever thought our swagbag, the blazing rapper "Ice Prince" will just suddenly fade away like a wind.

He has got all the energy, flows, punchlines, and the attitude in him. When he drops a single, everybody goes 'GaGa', he kept on releasing hits after hits back to back.

    It's being months now and we haven't heard anything from our beloved rapper, mentor and swag bag (ICE PRINCE ZAMANI).

"Bro please don't hang the boots yet, we love you ICE PRINCE. Your fans can't wait for you to hit the stage once again. We need a come back, cause Nigerians are really missing you in action, put back a song in our lips and show the world that you ain't dead, you just went to cook something special.

   We love you "ICE PRINCE", give us a comeback, come hit it as you used to.(LLI).

A Girl Killed For Rejecting Her Boyfriend's Marriage Proposal

Jason Eaton a 43 year old man, walked into an Indian Police station on Tuesday October 25 and reported to the officers that he had killed his girlfriend, Wendy Sabatini. When police went to Wendy's home, they found her lying dead in her bedroom. 

She'd been shot in the head. He was asked why he killed his girlfriend, Jason told the police officers that he'd proposed to Wendy in the bedroom with an engagement ring and she said no refusing to collect his ring.

Jason told police, that in anger, he retrieved her gun from a nightstand and shot her in the head from behind. He then went to a mutual friend's house to confess to him what he had done. The friend then accompanied to the police station to confess and surrender to the police.

I weep anytime i watch my wicked roles in movie's - patients ozokwor

Veteran actor, Patience Ozokwor, better known as ‘Mama Gee’ married at 19 and enjoyed matrimony until her husband’s ailment became nightmarish. She lived with the grim tale for 15 years before the man passed on in 2002. 

About family, career and legacy, the Enugu-born thespian speaks with LANRE ODUKOYA.

Would you say there’s anything in particular that led you into acting?

It just came naturally, you know; it’s not like I was planning to start acting, but I knew that already I was acting. I did a lot of stage acting when I was younger, so you know whatever you like doing, you’ll always find yourself where it is done, isn’t it?

What was your earliest influence in acting?

I was always find myself in the midst of the people who do what I love to do. When I was on radio, I was employed as an announcer, but I was always acting. But I found the radio as a normal job, that if you do something else you will be paid for it.

I enjoyed acting, there were other things I could do, but I preferred acting. Then I started acting in English, Pidgin English and Igbo language.

So, after my normal work as an announcer, I would just go over and do the other one and then get paid. At the end of the month, you thank God for everything, making more money than even your salary.

Men and women of your time said that there were certain jobs that were considered noble; law, medicine, engineering and or accountancy. 

Did your parents give you express permission to choose a career in acting?

My parents didn’t have any bad thoughts about what I chose to do because everybody knew I was inclined towards arts. Whenever we were together, it’s a very big family, I try to make everybody laugh, I try to create fun for everybody and you know I also cook.

They know if there was an occasion for the family, I would always be found in the kitchen, if there was a burial I would always be found at the helm of affairs. They’d say, let Patience (my first name is Patience) do this, let Patience do that, because they know that if it’s left in my care, I would do it to the best of my knowledge.

They couldn’t tell me to go and do medicine when they knew I was not very good in science. My parents felt anything you find yourself doing that is good, then it’s always good to do it well.

They were not very educated but they were not unexposed anyway.

What is the size of your family, I know you have a son who owns a record label?

Well, they are all outside the country, apart from my first son. My first son is in Nigeria, he is into politics; my last child is playing football and he is in training currently.

My daughter lives in the UK with her family, the one you said is into music lives in London. He is in London doing his business and combining it with the one he’s doing in Nigeria.

My adopted child is a pastor and the other ones are fine.

 How many adopted kids do you have? 

I have four, one died in March, he had blood infection and he couldn’t make it.

You didn’t say anything about your husband…

Oh, he was a mechanical engineer, he was a civil servant in Enugu, he was sick for a long time, for more than 15 years and he died, he passed on in 2002.

Oh, sorry about that. But aside preaching the word of God, what other things are you dedicated to?

So many things, those are the things that as Christians we don’t mention because the bible says that when you let out what you are doing, your reward will be here on earth, but if you leave it for God, he will pay you in Heaven.

There are some things I’m doing here but when I pass on maybe today or tomorrow or next year or even years to come, I want people to remember me for being a peace maker because I hate bickering because the bible says that you should be at peace with your brother.

Don’t end up in court because you don’t even know whether the judge is a Christian or not. So the best thing is try to settle everything with your neighbour. And the bible also says that “blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God”, at least to make peace between people who are having differences. I also love to help the poor in any way that I can and it’s also in the bible.

I am better than a lot of widows and there is an adage in Igbo that says, if you are able to solve your problems alone you have not really done anything, begin to think of what you are able to do for people.

That way you have affected their lives and it’s not giving them one naira, two naira today, give them food today and tomorrow, you employ them, you help them get something doing.

Those are things I will be remembered for and also in the industry, I try to teach the younger ones. Sometimes when they want to shoot videos and they come on set, and they fidget because they’re working with someone a lot more experienced.

I tell them to calm down, I try to encourage them, you know we are all after all still leraning at some point in our lives too. So, I try to help everybody that comes my way, impact their lives, I also love to listen to people, you know if you don’t listen to people, you hardly get to know how you can start to help them. So, listening to people is one very big thing.

What’s been your experience as a single mother?

I cannot complain because God has been faithful. You know what it means to be married to a man who would later take ill for 15 years? He was in and out of coma and when you get out of coma, there’s no way you would be as strong as you were.

So, I got quite used to doing things alone by the help of Al-mighty God, when my husband was even alive, his health didn’t allow him to do much.

How do you relax when you’re not on set?

I don’t think it’s time for me to rest yet. The only rest that I’m getting is that if I’m not shooting, I’d just be in the house. Fortunately for me, I was not raised believing I have to go to Amaka’s house, Chinelo’s house and so on. I stay at home.

I’m a food person too. I cook a lot. And I watch a lot of my movies, mine and others’. It’s just lately that I slowed down on reading novels. I loved to read novels.

Are there any of your movies you’ve watched that moved you to tears?

You want to know the one that moved me to tears about my characters? There are characters I’d played in movies and after watching them back at home, I just thanked God it wasn’t me- it was a character.

Nearly all the movies where I played wicked roles made me cry because I remember what that character had done to somebody. I do these jobs to the best of my knowledge because I want to sit down at home, watch and cry over what I’m doing to people.

There was a movie I did many years ago, it was titled Prophecy- what moved me to tears in that movie was that I was so wicked that I seized feeding bottle from the mouth of a new-born baby who lost his mother and I was supposed to be taking care of the baby.

The baby was crying, I seized his feeding bottle and threw it away. I wept profusely, the director stopped shooting until I was able to control myself. Then I summoned courage to continue. If someone had done it in real life, I would have exposed the fellow to the world to see.

There was another one where I went to take my sister’s daughter from the village, what I did to the girl, if any human being can do it to a fellow human being, I don’t know what God would do to that person in turn.

I met her in the kitchen, beat her so much that she fell down the stairs, rolled down and died from broken head and pains all over. I’d been playing wicked roles but those two movies are exceptionally horrible. I doubt that any human being would do that to anyone.

Do you have anybody who is your very close friend, the one you can ‘t go a day without talking to?

Like I earlier told you, I’m always on my own. But I have very good friends, it doesn’t mean I can’t go a day or two without them. What if the person doesn’t want to talk to you at a particular point in time? Chinyere Winfred and Ngozi Ezeonu are my very good friends.

I have some who are not superstars but who are my friends too, as I’m in London now, I can call them and ask about what is happening in the industry and they’d just tell me. I have Andy Ike and Uche Nancy who are also my friends, they call me their mother.

When you were a young woman, what kind of spinster were you? Were you a happy-go lucky-girl who had the liberty to wear trousers and socialise like most girls?

I’m from a very strict Christian home. We were not allowed to wear trousers and I was a member of the Christian Union. I did things boys could do because I was naturally a very energetic person.
I could break firewood, and do other things but I wasn’t dressing like boys.

The man with the longest beard in Britain

 Michael Legge has retained his title for the country’s longest beard at the British Beard and Moustache Championships in Liverpool by surprising the world with this!!!

  His a Factory worker Michael, from Kimberworth, Rotherham, started growing this beard six years ago and it is now measured 27 inches. He joked with his beard saying: “If I’m going out I usually take longer time than my wife to get ready because I have to wash, dry and oil my beard.”

Michael has been crowned Yorkshire beard champion several times and first won the UK's longest bear competition back in 2014.

He has even bag seventh place in the international competition.
Michael has previously said he only started growing his beard as a bet with his mates who thought his bear can never reach that height.

He included:

"It was a bet with some mates to see who could go longest without shaving and one by one they all dropped out. I had no idea where it would lead. 

The next step I’d like to take is to make it a career. I know I’m not going to be the next Brad Pitt, but there’s demand for background roles. It’s a niche market. I am aspiring to be have the longest beard in the world.”

Friday, October 28, 2016

An okada rider beats his wife brutally for waking him up from sleep

An okada rider named Tukur Paul today beat his wife brutally, Mrs Jennifer Paul to stupor over her accusation of him snoring when his asleep.

If not for the intervention by neighbours and passers-by that saved her from further attack she might being labeled (RIP). One of the neigbhours Lawrence Oluwanishola, who witnessed and saw everything that transpired between them, told VPB that the couple who resides at Masaka, Nasarawa State, were fond of constituting fighting and are nuisance to the environment through constant quarrels.

According to him, all went loose at about 9 p.m. on Thursday when neighbours ran outside at the shout of the wife of the motorist who was being brutally beaten by her husband. “How on earth in this present modern world will a man beat up his wife over trivial issue?" 

It was later revealed that the wife prevented the husband from sleeping just because he was snoring badly and causing noise with his snore,” Oluwanishola said. 

If it was a very serious case he was beating her over it would have sounded better. He said that so many cases of divorce in the society could be prevented, if minor issues like this are promptly settled by couples. “This is not a case of extra-marital affairs that usually lead to divorce, but a mere misunderstanding that could be controlled with little patience,’’ he said.

 Mowever, when VPB had a chat with the husband, he said his wife pushed him to the wall and made him to beat her after several warnings. 

“She prevented me and didn't allow me to  sleep after having a hard day, I begged and pleaded with her but she refused,” he said. 

Paul the motorist said, having gone through a hectic day, that he decided to have some rest but was denied by his wife because he was snoring. 

“What happened, I will say is the devils handwork? I lost my motor bike which has been helping me to feed and fend for her and the family. 

“I immediately contacted the police who was able to help me get it back. I brought it back home and all these while my wife could not call to know where I was or care to know what might have happened to me. I got home only for me to have some rest and after dozing off; my wife woke me up to tell me I was disturbing her with my snoring,” he said.

 Paul who later apologised to his wife thanked the neighbours for the brotherly love they have extended to him and his family and is deeply sorry for his actions.

The wife said the incident was due to communication gap, which was misinterpreted. “I was angry because my  husband left me and the children without telling us where he went. "

The couple had been living together for past nine years and the union is blessed with three children and are wearing a happy face after the incident.

Linda Ikeji got lashed by Kemi Olonloye for losing the, 'MTV MAMA Award'

Former Oyo state governor, Kemi Olunloyo has come out to publicly to lash it out on celebrity blogger Linda Ikeji for failing to win the MTV Africa Music Awards 2016. She described Linda as a nobody and call her fans dummies. See her tweets after the cut...


Marouane Fellaini, Man Utd Player - "Steps out with his twin brother"

Marouane Fellaini, was seen or pictured in Manchester City centre with his identical twin brother, Mansour. Can you spot out Fellaini?